
LED Light Bulb Conversion Chart

Posted by LampsOne Admin on 13th Jun 2018

LED  Light Bulb Conversion Chart

Lumens and Wattage

Light bulbs bring objects to life, different lighting temperatures set the mood, they make it safer to walk across spaces and can even decorate and highlight specific locations. There are three main categories of electric lights, each with its advantage and disadvantage. They are incandescent lamps, gas-discharge lamps (such as fluorescent bulbs) and LED lamps.

LED lamps were the most recent lights to be introduced and since then a new method of rating was required since the wattage no longer determined which bulb had the superior brightness.

The Different Types of Light Bulbs

In the past wattage determined how bright a light bulb would be, were more wattage meant more brightness. Now, LED’s have changed the game as an LED bulb the uses 15-Watts is no way similar to a 15-Watts Incandescent. Nowadays, companies rate bulbs through lumens as these give you a more accurate indication of how much light to expect from an LED.

Metal Halide / High Pressure Sodium to LED Wattages Conversion
Original LampLED Lamp
70 Watt Metal Halide30 Watt LED
100 Watt Metal Halide40-50 Watt LED
150 Watt Metal Halide60-70 Watt LED
175 Watt Metal Halide80-90 Watt LED
70 Watt High Pressure Sodium40 Watt LED
100 Watt High Pressure Sodium50-60 Watt LED
150 Watt High Pressure Sodium80-90 Watt LED
250 Watt High Pressure Sodium90-125 Watt LED

The LED lights trend

In recent years LED’s have been the norm for people as they have many advantages. Watts do not measure brightness but the amount of power used. Since LED’s use lesser wattage and produce the same amount of brightness, they save much more energy. Other than helping lower the electric bills; most LED bulbs are also dimmable and don’t contain any Mercury.

Choose the Right Bulb

Check the conversion chart to figure out the best bulb you need to replace old ones.
